Working paperless in frozen section

The frozen section modul is an extension for PathoWin+.

Frozen section module

The frozen section module extends PathoWin+ with the functionality to easily and quickly record and evaluate frozen section times, staff, diagnosis and quality parameters electronically.

Compared to the paper-based method, the frozen section module allows direct electronic recording of all parameters, which are then documented and can be evaluated. The frozen section module thus supports you on the way to establishing paperless workflows in the pathology laboratory.


Record time stamps for events such as call registration, material arrived, diagnosis transfer.

Own parameters

Enter any custom parameters, for quality control, courier recording, concordance of diagnoses, etc.


Log staff in quick cut with their roles, such as doctor, resident or surgeon.


Evaluate the recorded frozen section times, concordance of diagnoses and other parameters.


Enter the diagnosis, including text modules, in the section configured for frozen sections.